High blood pressure-"silent killer"

1. Know all about the "silent killer"

We don’t usually very concerned about our blood pressure, do we? It is only after our doctor warns us that we really take our BP levels seriously. Almost always, it is either cancer, a stroke or a heart attack that scares us the most, isn't it? But what we fail to understand is that high blood pressure is one of the most dangerous health conditions that is not just easy to miss, but can also lead to other chronic conditions. Given that it comes without symptoms, it is also called a "silent killer".

Most often, only after the damage is done, people realize the severity of the disease. Not only does it affect the heart and the arteries, it also makes a person prone to life-threatening cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, heart failure, a stroke and more, which is why we need to be more cautious of this condition.

2. What is a normal blood pressure?

What is a normal blood pressure according to WHO? A normal blood pressure level is less than 120/80 mmHg. A high blood pressure is defined as blood pressure above 140/90. It is said to be severe if the pressure is above 180/120 mmHg.

Those who constantly have a high blood pressure need to keep certain things in mind. There could be many factors contributing to your condition, some of which are as follows...

3. You're probably overlooking the hidden sources of sodium

"There is a strong, direct association between higher sodium excretion and higher blood pressure," says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the US health agency, people with higher estimated usual sodium intake had higher blood pressure. That said, even if you are cutting down on the amount of salt you put in your food, you must watch out for the sneaky sources of sodium in packaged foods and baked goods.

"A diet that is too high in salt consumption, as well as calories, saturated and trans fat and sugar, carries an additional risk of high blood pressure," warns the American Heart Association (AHA).

4. You're not having enough vegetables and fruits

According to AHA, potassium is the mineral that counters sodium. That said, the more potassium you eat, the more sodium you lose from your body through urine. Furthermore, potassium is said to ease the artery and blood vessel walls from the blood pressure. Having said that, the best way to increase your potassium levels in the body is through a healthy diet.

Vegetables and fruits like spinach, broccoli, avocado, bananas, beet greens, oranges, tomatoes, coconut water are all great sources of potassium, which is why you must include them in your diet, if you're suffering from high blood pressure.

5. You're letting stress take over your life

Unlike your diet and activities, stress does not have a direct effect on your blood pressure. When you're stressed your blood pressure levels rise and when you de-stress, your nerves calm down. But too much stress can cause damage to your blood vessel walls. It may also encourage behaviors that increase blood pressure such as inactivity, poor diet, smoking and drinking alcohol, says American Heart Association.

6. You lack sufficient sleep

Poor sleep quality is also linked to increased risk of high blood pressure. According to a meta-analysis in The Journal of Clinical Hypertension in 2018, those who suffer from insufficient sleep are 48 percent more prone to having hypertension. Additionally, those who have HBP may worsen their condition, if they do not sleep well.

7. You're going overboard with the drinking

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. It affects the muscles in the blood vessels making it narrower. This could compel your heart to work harder to pump blood to other parts of the body, causing too much strain and leading to a heart attack, heart failure or a cardiac arrest.

According to AHA, regular, heavy use of alcohol can cause many health problems, including heart failure, stroke and an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). It can cause your blood pressure to increase dramatically and can also increase your risk of cancer, obesity, alcoholism, suicide and accidents, it adds.

8. Watch out for other heart-related diseases

Those suffering from high blood pressure almost always have other conditions including high cholesterol, which is again linked to heart diseases. High cholesterol is when you have too much fatty substance in your blood, leading to the formation of a plaque, which restricts the easy flow of the blood. That said, beside keeping a check on your high blood pressure, monitor other conditions that may make things worse.

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